JTC Founder Halina will engage in an anonymous conversation-style meeting with a Jewish Zionist mother and her self-proclaimed Anti-Zionist Jewish son to discuss how they’ve managed to keep their divergent viewpoints from destroying their Shalom Bayit.
To protect the privacy of the individuals participating in this event and to protect them from any backlash resulting from their honesty and forthcomingness their names will remain anonymous and the group chat will be off for the duration of the event. A separate processing event will be scheduled to help participants process any feelings that come up.
We'll be available to share more exciting information about our Israel Experience this summer, including some of the incredible pieces of the itinerary we won't be posting on the website! We'll also be on hand to answer questions and help support you as you navigate moving forward in hopes of joining us!
Choose the best time option to join us live over Zoom based on your location and convenience: