Faige Flakser is a Licensed Clinical Social Worker, licensed in NY, NJ, NV and OR. Faige’s clients are individual adults, many of whom struggle in their daily lives with the fallout of traumatic experiences. Faige helps clients develop a present sense of safety and process through the difficult memories from their trauma so they can move forward in their lives and decrease their negative symptoms.
Faige is focused on making real progress; work with her is gentle yet deep. Gentle; through her nonjudgmental and complete acceptance of the authentic human experience. Deep; where she gets straight to the core of what brings clients to therapy in the first place. Faige’s practice is trauma-focused, rooted in a deep understanding of the effects of trauma, through which she specializes in addressing and fighting the internalized shame of her clients.
To support her clients, Faige creates a warm, compassionate, and patient atmosphere where clients feel safe talking about their feelings. She teaches them how to identify instances of fight, flight, or freezing and how these reactions impact their daily lives, even if the trauma was in the past. She also brings in examples of attachment styles to help clients understand conflicts with friends, partners or family members. She focuses both on the client’s mind and body, so clients learn how to be mindful about their physical and emotional feelings.
Faige also teaches other therapists how to treat trauma. She serves in a faculty position and is a committee member in both ICP and ISSTD. Faige gives presentations and webinars about the complexities of trauma treatment, assists in trainings and offers clinical supervision for therapists. Faige combines her knowledge, experience, passion and skills to help her students, trainees, supervisees, and most of all, her clients.
Message to Clients:
I deeply believe in the human capacity to heal from trauma. I understand how complex trauma can be, and can hold space for multiple feelings to exist at once, especially if you were hurt by someone you also loved, or are feeling confused about what you “should” feel after a loss. Learning new ways of coping is not about willpower; it’s about finding safety and healing within, so your true essence can unfold and bring healthier ways of relating to self and to others. I prioritize creating a sense of agency and empowerment, so in the process of healing you can already begin to reverse the devastating effects of things happening to you. It starts with a stance of “What happened to you” instead of “What’s wrong with you”, although you don’t have to share all of the details for healing to occur. I invite you to have a brief phone consultation, free of charge, where you can get a feel if this can work for you, because it needs to feel right and you deserve that.
We'll be available to share more exciting information about our Israel Experience this summer, including some of the incredible pieces of the itinerary we won't be posting on the website! We'll also be on hand to answer questions and help support you as you navigate moving forward in hopes of joining us!
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