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An intricate symphony of energy in our bodies supports life; when trauma interrupts that flow, cells and molecules array themselves to restore it, in ways the mind may not even grasp.
Some experiences, however, overwhelm an organism’s natural capacity to heal or adapt in healthy ways.
Spiritual traditions mobilize healers, rituals, wisdom, and community to facilitate healing, and contemporary psychotherapy proffers specialists, exercises, research, and support groups. In my experience, an integrative therapeutic approach drawing upon all of these sources enhances coherence for body, mind, and spirit, as trauma is resolved.
As a spiritual counselor with a background in physical and social sciences and also in both clinical and somatic training, and as a human being rooted in an ancient spiritual tradition and people, I draw from various modalities, helping my client to nurture healing wisdom within. My orientation is to support personal healing, natural reconnection with internal, organic vitality, harmony, and intuition.
My life-long interest in understanding the human experience of brokenness and well-being for individuals and collectives led me to study various languages and disciplines including Physics, Sociology, Philosophy, Women’s Studies, Peace Studies, and the Jewish rabbinic tradition. I interweave insights and practices from all these human endeavors to enrich my understanding of how we can live with meaning, wholeness, and joy even in a world of brokenness.
My private practice in counseling (English & Hebrew) blossomed out of my spiritual practice and my work in the community, as people gravitated to this mindful, compassionate approach to an integrated spiritual and somatic practice.
My approach is to empower my clients, utilizing interventions congruent with their belief system and worldview, drawing on their framework of meaning and inviting them to draw upon my expertise in ways that nourish their healing, resilience, and growth.
Inspired by Gestalt, psychoanalytic, and somatic modalities, I integrate Jewish tradition when this is requested, and other spiritual traditions that speak to our shared human experiences. My interventions are intended to help clients through particular challenges for which they seek support, through a deeply integrative approach; our shared intention is to enhance their access to their internal resources for healing and resilience, for a lifetime. I
My intuition as a therapist is informed by continuous reading, study and thought, always with my clients in mind. I enjoy and nourish my own practice with deep work in diverse disciplines and cultures, attending workshops and trainings, consulting and supervising peers, reading and studying, as well as my own ongoing personal experience of spirituality, bodywork, and therapy.
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https://www.linkedin.com/in/ariellehanien/Service Details
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