The JTC Leadership Team
These passionate clinicians and leaders are the folks who keep our community thriving and our efforts moving forward. Take a read. If you’d like to get involved as a clinician, graduate student, or supportive non-therapy professional, we’d love you to reach out!
Our Leadership Team is the heart of the JTC, providing the logistical support that give all our virtual and in-person events liftoff and success. These incredible individuals are responsible for curating a rich experience for our sustaining members and making our many virtual and in-person events accessible for the greater JTC community and beyond! They are also deeply invested in Jewish Joy, fostering resilience, and repairing our corner of the world for a better future for Jewish psychotherapists and the clients we serve.
We currently have an opening for a student intern or post-graduate fellow. If you’re a passionate, Jewish, service-oriented student or professional looking to both give back and gain valuable mentorship along the way, apply here!
While the JTC has grown tremendously in its community learning opportunities, in-person gatherings, and other projects, it is still centrally an advocacy organization. Building upon our successes from the individual level at universities and practices to the national and international levels with licensure examinations and media campaigns, we currently bring a blend of poignant, open letters and warm, confidential outreach to help usher positive change into the psychotherapy space.
This is our team of moderators for the ever-growing Facebook community we host. A diverse group of passionate clinicians, they tirelessly work to advance safety, compassion, brave dialogues, and community members’ needs and desires within our social community.
These seasoned clinicians volunteer their time to document and educate about significant Jewish-heritage psychotherapists and researchers in the field, taking care to bring forth a diverse cross-section of leaders in various modalities, from various decades, and with various layers of identity. They support our “Therapist Thursday” project within our private Facebook community and their work is being archived for anticipated use in continuing education and additional media going forward.
We are always welcoming new volunteers! We currently have an opening for a student intern or post-graduate fellow. If you’re a passionate, Jewish, service-oriented student or professional looking to both give back and gain valuable mentorship along the way, apply here!