Detail Update
Enter your first and last name only.
Enter your name as it appears on your license (only if different.)
Credentials: ex MS, LCSW, PsyD
Select the language(s) within which you offer therapy.
Select where you are licensed to practice (do not list Compact Eligibility here).
Eligible to practice across state/provincial lines via Interstate Compact?
Do you practice in person?
Fill in your address and use this feature to hide your exact location and street address. In fact, you can enter your city for the street address if you like.
Highlight your competencies.
Please introduce yourself and describe your practice/services and who you love to serve! Share about your specialties and choice of modalities, as well as any additional services you'd like to highlight!
Set a date if your business is closing at a pre-defined time (e.g. you're retiring soon), otherwise leave blank to continue listing indefinitely.